Sunday, 19 June 2011

ULURU – 19TH June

Uluru Susan 004

Uluru Susan 096What a sight it was to see the climbers going up the side of Uluru, we decided that we could do it and set off.
There is a short section where you have to go it alone and then there is a metal chain which you can hang on to for awhile and then back to being on your own again. It was quite a challenge physically and Ian pushed and hauled me at times and we finally reached the top cairn, which is a marker showing the points of the compass and the distances to various geographically features.
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The views are breathtaking and there were lots of little rock pools up there.
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We we took lots of photos for our memory times when we get really old,ha ha.
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I confess to wondering whether I would get there and I can tell you I was very glad to get back down again, I felt like doing a ‘pope’ and kissing the ground.

We got a few cheers from watchers who hadn’t gone up and one man took our photo to put in his album (probably because he couldn’t believe that two such oldies could have done it).

From there we went on a 1km walk to a water hole which was really fascinating, we passed rock drawings as we went.
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From there to a sunset viewing of Uluru and the Olgas.
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Then home for a well earned hot soothing shower and a rest.

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