Saturday, 9 July 2011


Stopped overnight at both Stuart Memorial Rest area and Taylors Creek, both are quite good but Taylors is the largest and has a toilet. Tonight at Taylors, so far,we can boast 27 vans plus a sedan.

This morning as we were due to leave Stuart rest area a young couple in a small campervan couldn’t get their car started, another couple had already tried to charge their battery up but to no avail, we used our jumper leads but still couldn’t start it, it appeared to be a fuel problem. We decided to give them a push and try to jump start the car, having first ascertained that the young lad knew how to do the jump start. Imagine if you will four old farts pushing for all we’re worth racing along behind the van and then giving the yell ‘now’, to find that he just tried to start it with the key, between the puffing we did manage to laugh about it. This time Ian got in and we all started to push again and this time we managed to start it. This apparently, was the third time it had happened and horror of horrors they are going our way, hopefully they out run us, LOL.


We called in at the Devils Marbles and had a wander around the base of some and took a few photos. Some of the ‘marbles’ are huge and balanced precariously on top of one another. Where they have split you would think someone had just come along and sliced them with a knife. There is a camp ground there but we didn’t stop.

Devils marbles Susan 010

We are not far from Tennant Creek now and are getting a signal, all is well.

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